The latest happenings in the Contextual Dynamics Lab.
lab news
Curious about what's new in the Land of Science (or at least our little corner of it)? You've come to the right place.
We are excited to announce that Paxton Fitzpatrick (current role: lab manager) and Xinming Xu (current role: research assistant) will continue on in the Contextual Dynamics Lab as part of the 2021 graduate student class at Dartmouth!
We’ve written a short piece on our Sherlock paper— check it out here on the Nature Research Behavioural & Social Sciences blog!
Will Baxley was one of 396 undergraduates from around the country to receive a Goldwater Scholarship. The award “seeks to identify and support college sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming this nation’s next generation of research leaders” in the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Go Will— we’re proud of you!
The CDL helped educate the neuroscience-enthusiast masses by presenting four posters at this year’s SfN annual meeting. We also helped support the local economy by sampling some of Chicago’s dining establishments. Go us!
We are excited to welcome Caroline Lee to the Contextual Dynamics Lab and the 2019 graduate student class at Dartmouth!
We are excited to announce our awesome new lab manager: Paxton Fitzpatrick! Paxton is an old hand in the lab, having risen up through our ranks as an undergraduate research assistant. We are thrilled that he has decided to stay on in the lab and continue helping us to achieve our best science!
We are excited to announce our new Python "SuperEEG" toolbox for inferring whole-brain activity from a small(ish) number of ECoG electrodes. Check it out here!